Environment Variables Wizard GUI (SetEnvUI.exe)

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The Environment Variables Wizard GUI (SetEnvUI.exe) is a tool that sets one or more environment variables via a wizard GUI created from an XML definition file.  It is used by the Deployment Framework for BizTalk to present the deployment wizard GUI during server (MSI) deployment and un-deployment.

SetEnvUI.exe [@argFile] <configFile> <postProcess> <postProcessArgs> [/Help|?|h] [/Version|v]





Path to an XML file that defines the wizard pages and environment variable names. Must validate against SetEnvUIConfig.xsd. Corresponds to InstallWizard.xml and UnInstallWizard.xml in a Deployment Framework for BizTalk project.


Path to a program to be executed after the user clicks Finish in the wizard


Command line arguments for the program specified in PostProcess

Help OR ? or h

Displays command-line help text.

Version OR v

Displays program version information

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