.NET Assemblies

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To deploy one or more assemblies that contain custom .NET code (a.k.a. components), edit your Deployment Framework for BizTalk project file (.btdfproj) as follows:

1. Set the IncludeComponents property to true

The property may be included in any PropertyGroup, but is commonly placed in the first PropertyGroup in the project file.






2. Add a Components ItemGroup

The following is a typical example that properly follows the common ItemGroup structure:


 <Components Include="$(ProjectName).Components.dll">




The following is the default configuration, which corresponds to the optional naming conventions.  This default is in effect if you do not include any Components elements in your project file.


 <Components Include="$(ProjectName).Components.dll">




If you have more than one assembly that contains custom .NET code, then repeat the <Components> element for each assembly (usually within the same ItemGroup).

NOTE: If you are deploying a third-party assembly that must be deployed to the GAC but does not have source code within your solution, then place it in an ExternalAssemblies ItemGroup.

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