Naming Conventions

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The Deployment Framework for BizTalk may be used with existing or newly created BizTalk solutions, and it works fine with single-project or multi-project solutions.  By default, many advanced features are disabled and default behaviors are in effect.  As you become more comfortable with the Deployment Framework, you can take advantage of more of the functionality that it provides.

Naming Conventions

This section explains how to structure and reference your BizTalk projects and artifacts for use with the Deployment Framework.

Solution Configuration Name Change for BizTalk 2006/2006 R2 (Required)

There is one naming convention that is not optional, but applies only to BizTalk 2006 or 2006 R2: the solution configuration names for BizTalk projects must be "Debug" and "Release".

The default solution configuration names are often set to Development and Deployment.  These must be renamed to Debug and Release using the Configuration Manager dialog, available when the solution is open in Visual Studio (right-click the solution).  This makes them consistent with standard .NET projects.

Alternative 1: After you have created all of your projects, close your solution and use a file-level search and replace utility to rename the "Development" and "Deployment" configurations within your BTPROJ files to "Debug" and "Release", respectively.  After you are done, open the solution again and go to the Configuration Manager.  Select "Debug" as the "Active Solution Configuration" and then select "Debug" in the "Configuration" column for all of your projects.  Likewise for "Release".

Alternative 2: Change the template for BizTalk projects, found in BTSApp.btproj file in %BizTalkInstallDir%\Developer Tools\BizTalkWizards\BTSApp\Templates\1033, to reflect Debug and Release targets.

Optional Naming Conventions

The following naming conventions are all optional, but serve the purpose of simplifying your deployment project configuration and/or using accepted patterns for BizTalk development.

NOTE: These naming conventions were more or less required in prior releases of the Deployment Framework for BizTalk, but that is no longer the case.  Feel free to restructure/reorganize your old solutions if you wish.

If you follow these conventions, your deployment project file (.btdfproj) will be a bit shorter and simpler because the Deployment Framework can automatically identify the paths to your schemas, orchestrations and other projects.

If you do not follow these conventions, don’t worry – you will just need to include a bit more configuration in your deployment project file.

1. The name of the folder containing a BizTalk project is identical to the project’s output DLL name (without the extension).

For example, if a BizTalk project resides in a folder named MyProject.Orchestrations, then that project must output a DLL named MyProject.Orchestrations.dll.

2. Each project must build to a bin\Debug and bin\Release folder under the project folder.

For example, if you have a BizTalk project in a folder named MyProject.Orchestrations, then it must build to MyProject.Orchestrations\bin\Debug\MyProject.Orchestrations.dll (or bin\Release).  This is the default for BizTalk 2009, but requires a change to the default project configuration for BizTalk 2006 and 2006 R2.

3. Split your BizTalk projects by artifact type: a project for orchestrations, a project for schemas, a project for maps and so on.

This model is built into the Deployment Framework and is the preferred structure.  However, if your project isn’t set up this way, don’t worry – the Deployment Framework is extremely flexible and supports even single-project solutions.

A typical example of this project naming structure is:

  1. MyProject.Orchestrations
  2. MyProject.Schemas
  3. MyProject.Transforms
  4. MyProject.Pipelines
  5. MyProject.Components (for ordinary .NET components)

The Deployment Framework pre-defines the folder names for orchestrations, schemas, etc. as $(ProjectName).Orchestrations, $(ProjectName).Schemas, etc.  You’ll find the definition for the ProjectName property near the top of your .btdfproj file.  This naming convention can be easily changed.  If you have a different naming scheme or are working with an existing solution, then you can explicitly specify the DLL names and locations for each of your BizTalk artifacts.

Using these optional conventions, and taking a schemas assembly as an example, the Deployment Framework essentially fills in the following ItemGroup automatically (you would not need to put this in your .btdfproj file):


 <Schemas Include="$(ProjectName).Schemas.dll">




Remember that all of these naming conventions are optional!

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