Nested XML Encoder/Decoder (ElementTunnel.exe)

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The Nested XML Encoder/Decoder (ElementTunnel.exe) is a tool that facilitates working with a (more) human-friendly BizTalk XML binding file.  Many elements within a BizTalk binding file, such as adapter configurations, contain nested XML fragments that are encoded (& to ", > to >, etc.).  The encoding makes it difficult to read and edit the nested XML, so the tool creates a copy of the bindings file with decoded XML fragments, then re-encodes them so that BizTalk can once again understand them.

ElementTunnel.exe  [@argfile] /I:<inputFile> /X:<fileWithXPaths> /O:<outputFile> [/Encode[+|-]] [/Decode[+|-]] [/Verbose[+|-]] [/Help|?|h] [/Version|v]




I (Input File)

Path to input file, typically (when decoding) a BizTalk XML bindings file freshly exported from BizTalk Server Administration tool

X (XPaths File)

Path to text file containing a list of XPath queries that indicate the locations requiring encoding or decoding.  In a Deployment Framework for BizTalk project, this normally points to <BTDFInstallPath>\Framework\DeployTools\AdapterXPaths.txt.

O (Output File)

Path to output file, typically (when decoding) a Deployment Framework for BizTalk project's PortBindingsMaster.xml file.


Direct the tool to encode the XML fragments indicated by each input XPath query. Cannot be specified with Decode.


Direct the tool to decode the XML fragments indicated by each input XPath query. Cannot be specified with Encode.

Help OR ? or h

Displays command-line help text.

Version OR v

Displays program version information


Displays detailed info about nodes during processing

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