IIS Virtual Directories

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The Deployment Framework for BizTalk includes support for deploying application pools and virtual directories in IIS.  Virtual directory and application pool deployment is fully active for server deployments.  For deployments from Visual Studio, it is assumed that the developer has manually configured an application pool.

NOTE: On Windows Server 2008 and above, this feature requires installation of these IIS 6 Management Compatibility role services: IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration compatibility, IIS 6 WMI Compatibility and IIS 6 Scripting Tools.

To deploy one or more IIS virtual directories, edit your Deployment Framework for BizTalk project file (.btdfproj) as follows:

1. Set the IncludeVirtualDirectories property to true

The property may be included in any PropertyGroup, but is commonly placed in the first PropertyGroup in the project file.






2. Add a VDirList ItemGroup

The following is a typical example:


 <VDirList Include="*">







If you need more than one virtual directory, then repeat the <VDirList> element for each virtual directory (usually within the same ItemGroup).

The Vdir element value is the name given to the virtual directory.

The Physdir element value is a relative path from the deployment project folder to the virtual directory physical path.  When the project is built into an MSI, the entire contents of that folder will be automatically packaged into the MSI.

The AppPool element value is the name given to the application pool (IIS 6+ only).  For server deployments, the AppPool is created with a user identity specified by the VDIR_UserName and VDIR_UserPass MSBuild properties.  These property values are normally collected by the deployment wizard, which is driven by the project file InstallWizard.xml.

The optional AppPoolNetVersion element value configures the .NET Framework version on the application pool (IIS 7+ only).  Valid values are v2.0 or v4.0.

Related MSBuild Properties

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